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Is Fantom Turning Into a Ghost Chain? A shocking multichain hack destroyed the entire network

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    Fantom Becoming Ghost Chain? Dramatic Multichain Hack Killed Whole Network

    Cover image via www.freepik.com

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    The decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape has been riddled with vulnerabilities, and the recent Multichain hack has added another dark chapter to its history. Fantom, a high-performance, scalable and secure smart contract platform, has been hit hard after its colossal $1.5 billion exploit, raising questions about its future viability.

    The aftermath of the hack has been devastating for Fantom. The TVL (total value locked) data, a critical metric to gauge the health and adoption of DeFi platforms, is currently inaccessible, suggesting potential data integrity issues or a significant drop in user confidence. This lack of transparency further exacerbates concerns surrounding the platform.

    Fantom TVL data
    Source: DeFILiama

    Fantom's native token, FTM, has also faced the brunt of the hack. Currently trading at $0.1847, the token's value reflects the shaken trust and uncertainty clouding Fantom's future. The dramatic dip in price is a testament to the adverse impact such security breaches can have on a platform's reputation and user base.

    Prominent figures in the DeFi landscape have expressed their concerns about Fantom's future. One notable thesis suggests that at a market cap of $563 million, FTM is "fundamentally overvalued" and is on a trajectory to become a "ghost chain," drawing parallels with Harmony's fate. Such sentiments, coming from influential voices in the community, can further dampen investor and user enthusiasm.

    The Multichain hack serves as a grim reminder of the challenges and vulnerabilities inherent in the DeFi space. While the promise of decentralized finance is revolutionary, the road to its mainstream adoption is fraught with hurdles. Security breaches of this magnitude not only harm the affected platform but also cast a shadow over the entire ecosystem.


    Article information

    Author: Michael Carr

    Last Updated: 1700397604

    Views: 787

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    Author information

    Name: Michael Carr

    Birthday: 1945-09-28

    Address: 1327 Ashley Valleys, Lake Jacobborough, TX 86722

    Phone: +4763347971299014

    Job: Electrician

    Hobby: Beekeeping, Rowing, Snowboarding, Playing Piano, Golf, Raspberry Pi, Aquarium Keeping

    Introduction: My name is Michael Carr, I am a receptive, proficient, Determined, apt, priceless, rich, esteemed person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.