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A Canadian silver coin with a monarch butterfly on it

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  • Published: Sep 11, 2017, 8 AM


The majestic and colorful Monarch butterfly graces a new 3-ounce silver $50 coin from Canada.

Coin images courtesy of the Royal Canadian Mint.

The monarch butterfly is instantly recognized by many people across North America, and now appears on a large silver coin from Canada.

The Royal Canadian Mint on Sept. 5 issued a Proof 3-ounce .9999 fine silver $50 coin for the majestic monarch (Danaus plexippus).

The reverse design by Canadian artist Graham Spaull captures the beauty of this butterfly, whose epic migration is perhaps unrivalled in the insect world.

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A color application recreates the monarch’s distinctive orange-and-black colors and wing patterns as it approaches a patch of milkweed (Asclepias). The tall, leafy stems are engraved in fine detail to represent an important part of the story: the milkweed is the monarch’s host plant, where the butterfly deposits its eggs on the leaves that will exclusively sustain the larvae (caterpillar).

The reverse includes the face value 50 DOLLARS and the year 2017.

The obverse features the effigy of Queen Elizabeth II by Susanna Blunt.

The coin weighs 94.4 grams and measures 55 millimeters in diameter. It has a mintage limit of 3,500 pieces and retails for $299.95 Canadian.

To order the coin, visit the Royal Canadian Mint website.

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VIDEO: Canada 2018 3D Monarch Caterpillar 1oz Silver Proof Coin
The Westminster Collection


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