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Evinced has been recognized as a Gartner® Cool Vendor for 2023

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    The first digital accessibility company to ever be named in the Software Engineering: User Experience category

    , /PRNewswire/ -- Evinced, in an industry first, announced today that it has been named by Gartner® as a 2023 Gartner Cool Vendor for Software Engineering. Evinced is the leading software company powering accessible web and mobile development.

    Digital accessibility remains a daunting problem on the internet, largely because accessibility has been treated as an afterthought in the development process. Evinced's software-first approach takes a 180-degree turn from the past, ensuring that accessibility is bolted into every line of code that developers commit. This allows internal accessibility resources to build effective partnerships with internal engineering leadership, dramatically improves speed to market, and minimizes business risk. 

    "We're honored to be the first accessibility company named as a Gartner Cool Vendor in this category," said Evinced Co-Founder and CEO Navin Thadani. "We believe this is a sign of progress for web accessibility in general and a validation of the power and impact of our approach."

    To view the full report 2023 Gartner Cool Vendors™ in Software Engineering: User Experience please visit evinced.com.

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    About Evinced
    Since launching in 2021, Evinced is the leading software for integrating accessibility into web and mobile development at the world's largest, most accessibility-committed companies. Evinced's powerful suite of tools enable designers, developers and accessibility professionals to automatically find, analyze, and prevent accessibility issues, reduce reliance on manual processes, minimize risk, and speed up time to market. Evinced is headquartered in California, with offices across the US, Europe, and Israel, and is backed by leading investors like Insight Partners, M12 (Microsoft's venture arm), BGV, Capital One Ventures, and others.

    CONTACT: Mike Zucconi, [email protected]

    SOURCE Evinced


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