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OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT, receives $10 billion from Microsoft

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    Microsoft Corp. is investing $10 billion in OpenAI, whose artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT has lit up the internet since its introduction in November, amassing more than a million users within days and touching off a fresh debate over the role of AI in the workplace.

    The new support, building on $1 billion Microsoft poured into OpenAI in 2019 and another round in 2021, is intended to give Microsoft access to some of the most popular and advanced artificial intelligence systems. Microsoft is competing with Alphabet Inc., Amazon.com Inc. and Meta Platforms Inc. to dominate the fast-growing technology that generates text, images and other media in response to a short prompt.


    Article information

    Author: Elizabeth Randall

    Last Updated: 1697945403

    Views: 995

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    Author information

    Name: Elizabeth Randall

    Birthday: 1922-04-06

    Address: 748 Rivas Unions, Danielburgh, WV 68860

    Phone: +4868999623304905

    Job: Surveyor

    Hobby: Origami, Running, Writing, Camping, Soccer, Traveling, Coffee Roasting

    Introduction: My name is Elizabeth Randall, I am a resolved, transparent, valuable, Precious, spirited, exquisite, vibrant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.